Apple core for apple tree fertilizer?

2017-09-27 6:10 am
I'm growing little apple tree saplings and they are currently 3 months old and have been recently planted in little pots. Would it help them grow if I were to put apple pieces in the pots for extra nutrients?

回答 (4)

2017-09-27 6:17 am
They're not little cannibal trees.

Add some compost instead.
2017-09-27 7:00 am
People like you shouldn't be let loose in the garden.
2017-09-27 6:19 am
fertility is way down among goys yet Mexicans manage to break through this chain
2017-09-27 6:13 am
Cut it down

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:52:36
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