If a set of data has 81 values with a variance of 26.0, then the standard deviation is _________. a.) 2.9 b.) 0.6 c.)0.3 d.) 5.1?

2017-09-26 10:55 pm

回答 (3)

2017-09-26 10:59 pm
standard deviation
= √variance
= √26.0
= 5.1

If a set of data has 81 values with a variance of 26.0, then the standard deviation is __d) 5.1__.
2017-09-26 10:58 pm
standard deviation
= √(variance)
= √(26.0)
≈ 5.1
2017-09-26 11:11 pm
standard deviation = √(variance)
= √(26.0)
≈ 5.1

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