MacBook Air 2012 13" Locked. Will replacing the SSD make it usable again. Read description!?

2017-09-26 6:36 am
My iCloud account was hacked and subsequently they have locked my Macbook air. Long story short iCloud account deleted and Apple store won't reset it (another long story). It is locked with a 4 digit passcode which is utterly unknown to anyone excpet the hacker. Will replacing the SSD allow for the laptop to be useable again or is it locked from the motherboard or somewhere else on laptop?

回答 (3)

2017-09-26 6:39 am
No. iCloud lock is on Apple's side. It is associated with the serial number of your Mac and your Apple ID.
2017-09-27 11:19 pm
Reinstalling the operating system will cause it to be usable but you will have to set up a totally new Apple account not use the old one
2017-09-26 6:37 am
That’s outdated. Get the MacBook Pro

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:42:58
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