White Genocide Theory?
As a mostly white male and part Cherokee in today's America. Most of the couple's I see are bi racial. Also a lot of big AAA titles in movies seem to suspiciously only use actors of an ethnic minorities and it's starting to anger me, when several minorities are on Welfare, white men are almost always drafted whenever a war takes place. I looked up some information and found that whites make up less than 10 percent of the world. Not to mention this country isn't allowed to take in white refugees. I myself have never had any sort of "white privelege" in my life. In fact people assume because of my skin color I'm to be picked on (although it rarely ever happened). Shockingly Asia manages to keep one race a strong majority and they're not scared of being called racist. I recently came across this theory about White Genocide and with a lot of evidence to support why doesn't it register to more people?
回答 (6)
That's just called 'generational anthropological tribal warfare.'
People mostly can't get away with murdering each other inside a single lifetime, so they figure out ways to kill each other off over several generations. They even use multi-generational guilt, extortion or bribery to wipe out entire lineages. The all-time favorite way is to arrange it so that certain demographics bear the greatest burdens of war, (as you pointed out), but another is incarceration and deviant sodomy. If deviant rape is used as 'justice,' and certain demographics are easier to imprison, then rape can be used to psychologically damage the strongest sires and cause them to become sterile, produce offspring with deviant non-procreative predilections, or self-destructive tendencies, (including criminal immorality, negligence, and lethal sexual diseases).
The 'lower middle class white man' is the most popular anthropological punching bag. He is blamed for slavery, even though he never owned slaves and did very similar work for the same people WITHOUT being fed, housed or clothed for his trouble, usually even paying back most or all of his scant compensation to stores owned by the same men who underpaid them for their share-cropping and similar work, just to barely feed, clothe and shelter themselves. He is blamed for planet poisoning mega-industry, even though he never owned the businesses that caused it and he is the demographic which dies the most often from the diseases caused by it. He is the most likely to be incarcerated and least likely to be well advocated. Nevertheless, he is so used to being in this role, he is also the least likely to actually be wiped out by any of it. The extreme fringe tend to suffer the most from lineage extinction, since their numbers are smaller and they tend to be the most arrogant and unprepared when tragedy actually does strike.
Most couples you see are what? Where do you live, Toronto? Even here I wouldn't say that's true.
You are literally a paranoid social justice warrior, just a different kind than most people expect.
scientists have figured out we all started out brown and most still are. Then some went North the white skin absorbes vitamin D better so they survived to breed. Those going south got darker. When people from all over the world came to North America eventually they all turned brown. So yes in the future all will be brown again.
"White genocide theory" isn't a theory. It is the hyperventilating hyperbole of human filth.
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:44:47
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