Visa Debit Card Fees?

2017-09-26 2:17 am
Hello every one ,
I have a Visa debit card in Euros currency from Netherlands if i use this card in Germany or in Greece where the currency in euros also will my bank charge me any fees in case if i pay by visa card in shops ( NOT taking money from ATM )

Many thanks

回答 (3)

2017-09-26 4:06 pm
Not possible for us to say as you give almost zero info.
2017-09-26 2:22 am
I am in UK and have visa debt card and on recent visit to Spain I purchased tobacco in duty free shop and I was charge a fee on my card, cant remember how much but was a few euros
2017-09-26 2:19 am
Depends on any fees your financial institution may charge. Generally speaking, as long as the same currency, no big deal and no extra charges.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:42:10
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