Why is windows 10 so popular?

2017-09-26 12:07 am
I wonder why windows 10 is so popular? I mean just because its the later version doesn't mean that it should be the only one to buy?

回答 (20)

2017-09-28 6:17 pm
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I had Windows 7 and I was offerend Windows 10 for free. I run it for about a day and reinstalled Windows 7 and this time I will definitely try to find some alternative to Microsoft as I cannot re learn an operating system each and every time they come out with a new one.
Incidentally I have two pcs that still use WIN XP and I still use those the most. Especially to use Outlook Express which is a billion times better than Live Mail.
2017-09-26 12:14 am
it sucks
2017-09-26 12:08 am
It's not popular you are just forced to update it by microsoft
2017-09-28 3:52 pm
Windows 10 is now technically in second place with 12.82 percent (+0.97) and is the only Windows operating system to gain ground. Even if you add Windows 8 at 2.43 percent (-0.25) and Windows 8.1 at 9.83 percent (-0.57) that's still only 12.03 percent.

So it's happened. Windows 10 has hit second place, unarguably this time. But do remember that Windows 10 is the one true operating system now, and that this figure includes every tablet, ultraportable, IoT device etc that runs Windows 10. This skews it against other figures in the list.
2017-09-26 12:10 am
lack of choice
2017-09-30 7:53 am
2017-09-28 2:19 am
I don't know about it being popular. Seems many here alone complain about it & rather 7/8. As far as its install base probably because it was made free for a while, but then it continues to force updates onto you.
2017-09-27 4:24 pm
because it has some extra features and good looking
2017-09-27 10:51 am
One of the main reasons window 10 to be popular is it's start button. Earlier in windows 8, the start function would cover the whole screen that many people didn't like it. I also didn't like that. Apart from this windows 8 was much more updated than windows 7.

When windows 10, avoided that feature and added some more features, people started to like it. And the background image, it is mind-blowing.
2017-09-27 7:07 am
Connor the crusher
2017-09-27 5:44 am
Because this works better then the crappy Vista. Windows 7 is only good for 3 more years. And so far it's working pretty good. The only problems is trying this on a 7+ year old PC. Drivers may not be made for older computers.
2017-09-26 8:09 pm
The most recent version of Windows is always "the most popular" because it is the only one sold by Microsoft at that point in time. XP was the most popular at its time, Win 7 was the most popular at its time, etc. Microsoft always stops manufacture of their older OS shortly before or shortly after they release a new OS. Thus all new computers will be released with the new version, all box stores sell the new version, thus volume wise it's the main OS sold hence it's the most popular. Most people don't care about obsolete OS' so they don't shop for them. At the same time it becomes extremely difficult to buy an older version after it is discontinued thus shoppers get the most recent version. So in totality, everything adds up to the most current version (whatever that may be, and currently it is Win 10) as being the most popular because it is the main one made available to the public.
2017-09-26 7:48 pm
Because it's is sold with new computers mainly and some people update from the previous versions under the delusion that Microsoft have finally got it right.
2017-09-26 7:41 pm
Because they included the best features in an os and secure it too. Also, the Layout is awesome
2017-09-26 3:07 pm
It is famous just because people have no choice but to upgrade...........
2017-09-26 12:25 am
Because as they release new versions they set time limits for support of older versions and this can leave them vulnerable to hacking.
2017-09-26 12:15 am
Windows 10 has a complete repair console built into it along with Defender. It will be supported longer from now than older versions. It can be streamlined to look and act just like older versions. It was offered as a free upgrade so many folks switched to it.
It i
2017-09-26 12:14 am
You can still purchase Windows 7 but why would you? Microsoft gave everyone a free update. You can run other operating systems. Unless you are building a computer you don't have much choice.
2017-09-26 12:07 am
Hmmm....I dunno, I didn't buy it.
2017-09-28 11:45 am
Window 10 is popular because it doesn't have the same start menu windows 8 had. Apart from this, there are some new features that make the end users very satisfied.

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