Good sign for second date?

2017-09-25 10:51 pm
Went on a first date with a girl. Super simple coffee date. The date lasted for 2 hours, and I asked her out for a second date. She said yes to the second date.
I sent her a text the day after saying I had a great time. She replied with, “coffee was delicious and the conversation was interesting!” Is this a good sign for the second date?

回答 (5)

2017-09-26 12:03 am
Ask her to go out and make a definite date.
2017-09-25 11:21 pm
Sounds promising
2017-09-25 11:06 pm
You don't need Signs or Permission from the other person.
You need to ACT ON IT.

A person can ONLY REJECT YOU "If" You Make an Offer or Invitation.

You do this FOR YOU... they are just Included.

TO GET A DATE, without having to ask:
INVITATIONS and ASKING for a Date are the same thing, but an invitation is easier to offer, rather than ask for a date. Writing a note and handing it to her or having someone deliver it to her, will be okay. Most invitations are in WRITTEN FORM.
(add ph# so now She has it)
Texting an Invitation will also be Okay, after you get her number.

Tell her where you will be on a certain day and at a certain time.
Let her know she is welcome to join you if she has time.

EXAMPLE: "I'm going for ice cream after school/work at (location),
you can join me if you're not busy... My Treat."

It was just an invitation, NO BIG DEAL.

Make a wager (bet) with the person you want to spend time with.
Lose that bet to them INTENTIONALLY.
The wager should be something that puts you together alone and
away from everyone you know.
Make the wager something you can afford and non threatening
or too suggestive.
(an ice cream cone, a milkshake, a coffee, even washing a car)

EXAMPLE: "I'll bet you an ICE CREAM SUNDAE, I can say
the alphabet backwards faster than you."
Then LOSE the bet and take her for an Ice Cream Sundae.
(Enjoy Your Date)

(you DO NOT have to be on a date, you just have to be near her)
When you have been with her for awhile and are side by side (walking, standing or sitting) gently take her hand and Say: "Can I borrow this for a little bit? I Promise to take care of it and return it in awhile" She will smile and probably be Impressed and Flattered. If she flinches and pulls away, chances are it’s a REACTION, NOT REJECTION. Smile and give her something of yours as deposit/collateral and Let her know you want it back when you return her, her hand.
Ask her if she would hold something for you and pretended you have something in your hand.
When she agrees, PUT YOUR HAND IN HERS to hold.

If it scares you to take these steps, keep in mind YOU'RE SCARED ANYWAY.
Also if some other guy gets her attention, you'll wish you had done SOMETHING.

CONFIDENCE is not about Succeeding. It's about NOT BEING AFRAID,
to Step Up, whether you get Accepted or Rejected.

After you get Accepted or Rejected, YOU WILL "Quit"
Torturing yourself with Worry and Curiosity.

IF SHE SAYS: "I don't want to ruin our friendship OR I just wanna be friends”
SMILE BIG, look her in the eye and say: "Then don't “F” this up for me."

Or explain to her. "We can still be friends if this doesn't workout.
Why would we HAVE TOO be enemies, just because we are not a match?"

Train yourself to be Brave, otherwise you will miss out on
some of the best Girls for you.
2017-09-25 10:59 pm
She didn't reply with "I had a great time too."? That doesn't sound like the normal thing to say if you had fun on a date. Did she know it was like, a date date? Or did she think is was a friend-date? I think it is too early to tell if this is a good sign or not.
Ask her out on another date that is some place that is more romantic. It doesn't need to be a big expensive dinner, but something that is more date date like I guess. A dinner at any sit down restaurant should work fine. Then see how she responds to your dinner date offer.
2017-09-25 10:53 pm
you will become great friends

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