Help with combustion analysis?

2017-09-25 2:21 pm
I know how to do combustion analysis, but the wording of this question is throwing me.

I'm not sure what is meant by "absorber" within this context. Does this just mean that the given amount of mass that the respective "absorbers" gain is the mass of the H2O and CO2 that are left over as a result of the combustion? Should I substract the initial sample's mass from the subsequent leftover masses?

回答 (1)

2017-09-25 3:20 pm
Yes, the given amount of mass that the respective "absorbers" gain is the mass of the H₂O and CO₂ that are formed as a result of the combustion. In other words :
Mass of H₂O formed in the combustion = Gain in mass of the H₂O absorber = 0.166 g
Mass of CO₂ formed in the combustion = Gain in mass of the CO₂ absorber = 0.403 g

Solution (method 1) to the question :

Molar masses :
H = 1.0 g/mol
C = 12.0 g/mol
O = 16.0 g/mol
H₂O = (1.0×2 + 16.0) g/mol = 18.0 g/mol
CO₂ = (12.0 + 16.0×2) g/mol = 44.0 g/mol

Mass of C in 0.165 g of valproic acid = Mass of C in CO₂ formed = (0.403 g) × (12.0/44.0) = 0.1099 g
Mass of H in 0.165 g of valproic acid = Mass of H in H₂O formed = (0.166 g) × (1.0×2/18.0) = 0.0184 g
Mass of O in 0.165 g of valproic acid = (0.165 - 0.1099 - 0.0184) g = 0.0367 g

Mole ratio C : H : O
= 0.1099/12.0 : 0.0184/1.0 : 0.0367/16
= 0.00916 : 0.0184 : 0.00229
= 0.00916/0.00229 : 0.0184/0.00229 : 0.00229/0.00229
= 4 : 8.03 : 1
≈ 4 : 8 : 1

Empirical formula of valproic acid = C₄H₈O

Let (C₄H₈O)n be the molecular formula of valproic acid.

Molar mass of valproic acid (in g/mol) :
(12.0×4 + 1.0×8 + 16.0) × n = 144
72.0 × n = 144
n = 2

Molecular formula of valproic acid = C₈H₁₆O₂

Solution (method 2) to the question :

Molar masses :
H = 1.0 g/mol
C = 12.0 g/mol
O = 16.0 g/mol
H₂O = (1.0×2 + 16.0) g/mol = 18.0 g/mol
CO₂ = (12.0 + 16.0×2) g/mol = 44.0 g/mol

Mass of C in 0.165 g of valproic acid = Mass of C in CO₂ formed = (0.403 g) × (12.0/44.0) = 0.1099 g
Mass of H in 0.165 g of valproic acid = Mass of H in H₂O formed = (0.166 g) × (1.0×2/18.0) = 0.0184 g
Mass of O in 0.165 g of valproic acid = (0.165 - 0.1099 - 0.0184) g = 0.0367 g

Let CxHyOz be the molecular formula of valproic acid.

x = 144 × (0.1099/0.165) / 12.0 = 7.99 ≈ 8
y = 144 × (0.0184/0.165) / 1.0 = 16.1 ≈ 16
z = 144 × (0.0367/0.165) / 16.0 = 2

Molecular formula of valproic acid = C₈H₁₆O₂

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