chemistry question?

2017-09-25 12:54 am
The complete combustion of 1.000 g of lysine affords 1.8063 g of carbon dioxide,
0.8626 g of water, and 0.7389 g of N2O5. Which of the following is a possible
empirical formula for lysine?

回答 (1)

2017-09-25 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Molar mass of CO₂ = (12.0 + 16.0×2) g/mol = 44.0 g/mol
Molar mass of H₂O = (1.0×2 + 16.0) g/mol = 16.0 g/mol
Molar mass of N₂O₅ = (14.0×2 + 16.0×5) = 108.0 g/mol

Mass of C in 1.000 g of lysine = Mass of C in CO₂ formed = (1.8063 g) × (12.0/44.0) = 0.4926 g
Mass of H in 1.000 g of lysine = Mass of H in H₂O formed = (0.8626 g) × (1.0×2/18) = 0.0958 g
Mass of N in 1.000 g of lysine = Mass of N in N₂O₅ formed = (0.7389 g) × (14.0×2/108) = 0.1916 g
Mass of O in 1.000 g of lysine = (1.000 - 0.4926 - 0.0958 - 0.1916) g = 0.2200 g

Mole ratio C : H : N : O
= 0.4926/12.0 : 0.0958/1.0 : 0.1916/14.0 : 0.2200/16.0
= 0.0411 : 0.0958 : 0.0139 : 0.0138
= 0.0411/0.0138 : 0.0958/0.0138 : 0.0139/0.0138 : 0.0138/0.0138
= 2.98 : 6.94 : 1.01 : 1
= 3 : 7 : 1 : 1

Empirical formula = C₃H₇NO

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:55:33
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