Is p-cyclohexylnitrobenzene the same as p-nitrocyclohexylbenzene? does it matter how its written? Chemistry help?

2017-09-24 10:18 pm

回答 (3)

2017-09-24 10:38 pm
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Both p-cyclohexylnitrobenzene and p-nitrocyclohexylbenzene are the name of the below compound, in which a cyclohexyl group and a nitro group are attached to the para-position of a benzene ring.

However, p-cyclohexylnitrobenzene is correct, while p-nitrocyclohexylbenzene is incorrect. This is because the prefixes of the name are arranged in alphabetical order. The first letter of "cyclohexyl-" is "c" which is in front of "n", the first letter of "nitro-". Hence, "cyclohexyl-" should be written in front of "nitro-".
2017-09-24 10:39 pm
1) p-cyclohexylnitrobenzene shows that the main group is nitrobenzene and the substituent group cyclohexyl attaches at the para position.
2) p- nitrocyclohexyl benzene : the main group benzene and the substituent p- nitrocyclohexyl attaches to benzene. I think we have to following the IUPAC rules.
2017-09-24 10:30 pm
They would be the same compound. I don t know which would be "correct" (or even if common names can be "correct".) Somehow, though, I prefer the first one.
Why not be even more confusing and call it p-nitrophenylcyclohexane?

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:49:55
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