Do you believe the Constitution gives a person the right to not stand during the national anthem?

2017-09-24 5:33 am
I am not asking about repercussions, whether you like it, endorse it, or support it. I am not asking about potential consequences like losing income or business or verbal attacks. This is a Constitutional question only.

回答 (12)

2017-09-24 5:36 am
Everyone has the Right to make a fool of themselves in public. The rest of us have the Right to publicly tell those fools what we think of Them.
2017-09-24 5:51 am
There is no law in effect that requires a person to stand during the national anthem.

Addendum: Personally, I think any such law would be found unconstitutional. The Supreme Court decision, West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), upheld a students right to not salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.
2017-09-24 5:36 am
Yes. Teams also have the right to bench or cut players who do so.
2017-09-24 6:27 am
Does the Constitution directly address this issue, no it does not . you then would have look at the idea of Freedom of Expression from the First Amendment to address the issue . does it give people the right to kneel in protest ,yes .now here is where it gets tricky , every persons when they walk into the work place gives up some of their rights . otherwise every place you went to could express their belief .imagine going through a drive through and having a person scream make Cuba a state or grocery store check out person saying impeach or resists .or your mailman saying accept and kneel before Gozer or else. so as a employee the NFL could step in and say no more kneeling during the national anthem. but as a private citizen in the stands has the perfect right to do so ..
2017-09-24 6:11 am
It protects someone from having the government impose consequences for either standing, sitting, or whatever. It does not protect someone from private sector responses (e.g. being fired). That same constitution protects their rights to respond (as long as it's legal).
2017-09-24 5:58 am
I don't appreciate it but yes.
2017-09-24 5:39 am
I believe the 1st amendment PROTECTS the right. I KNOW that the Constitution, INCLUDING all 27 amendments DOES NOT grant ANY rights. The actual language ASSUMES the rights mentioned already exist.
2017-09-24 5:34 am
I wish they wouldn't play the anthem before games
they are only games
2017-09-24 8:04 am
nfl games are private functions they can make any rule they like
2017-09-24 6:13 am
No, but it is hypocritical and rude considering how much these "athletes" make.

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