Non-native speaker - English problem , plz?

2017-09-24 2:14 am
I'm non-native english speaker .
I have a question about my homework .
"""The focus of the essay can be
on one or more of the following (but do not need to be more than
one): bla bla bla , bla bla bla and bla bla bla that is relevant to your choice """

OK , so the question is on this sentence
"" on one or more of the following (but do not need to be more than one) """

the essay can be on one or more of the following but do not need to be more than one ??? What is that means ?

回答 (3)

2017-09-24 2:27 am
The instructions said:
"The focus of the essay can be on one or more of the following (but do not need to be more than one):"

The focus of the essay can be on
> The essay can be about

> one of the following

or more
> or more than one of the following

(but do not need to be more than one):
> But you do not HAVE TO use more than one.

The essay can be about
> one of the following
> or more than one of the following
But you do not HAVE TO use more than one.
2017-09-24 2:29 am
You only have to choose one, but you can choose 2 or 3 if you want to.
2017-09-24 3:41 am
You can just write your essay on once subject. But if you want to, you can use more subjects as well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:56:13
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