Opinion on Milo Yiannopoulos?

2017-09-23 8:58 am

回答 (18)

2017-09-23 9:08 am
he's a pig.
2017-09-23 9:15 am
he isnt worth my time. tune him out
2017-09-23 9:23 am
Milo is an openly gay, alt-right nut, born in England, I pay very little attention to him.
2017-09-23 9:14 am
Scumbag of the worst type paedophil
2017-09-23 9:20 am
He has daddy issues
2017-09-27 6:08 pm
2017-09-23 9:00 am
No thanks, I'm trying to cut down.
2017-09-27 6:14 pm
He is one of the stupid boy
2017-09-23 9:16 am
He's entertaining
2017-09-23 9:01 am
Never heard of him.
2017-09-30 12:39 am
Idk. You're the person who asked "Can I jam a steering wheel in your back and start driving you?" You tell me what's going on.
參考: SpaceX
2017-09-26 3:21 pm
Milo is a young gay, a conservative who riles up a lot of people.
2017-09-23 9:10 am
He is funny and right about many things.
2017-09-23 9:01 am
2017-09-23 9:06 am
He trolls homophobic liberals
2017-09-23 9:33 am
He has a good sense of humor and he isn't afraid to take one for the team.
2017-09-27 6:10 pm
He's entertaining. He's educated. He uses facts and evidence instead of emotions. He's the dangerous f@ggot
2017-09-23 9:21 am
I agree with him on a lot more than I disagree with him. All in all, he's someone whose company I'd probably enjoy even though he is a bit more provocative and over-the-top than I am.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:42:40
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