Is there a reliable way to learn guitar on my own at home?

2017-09-23 8:46 am
Every time I pick up the guitar for a little bit, but then put it back up for ages. Thing about it is, it's the only instrument I have in my house right now (aside from a piano that's way out of tune). Frankly, I can't afford a guitar teacher, already paying for singing lessons. So any basic guitar tutorials that will help me work my way towards getting decent on it? I've had the thing for years but never really stuck to it.

回答 (3)

2017-09-23 9:31 am
Trust can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant, but I recommend YOUTUBE. Tuning a guitar: Guitar Chords: etc. Good luck. Since you haven't played in a while then I recommend you buy new strings and change them. Yes, there are instructions on YOUTUBE.
2017-09-23 8:49 am
Try out rocksmith (the video game). I actually learned bass guitar to the point I can sight read music from that game. Highly reccomended.
2017-09-23 8:47 am
You won't learn unless you decide to stick to it. You can find books and videos at the library. I know excellent guitar players who are self taught.

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