will u vote for trump again?

2017-09-23 8:30 am

回答 (13)

2017-09-23 8:31 am
I can't. I never voted for him a first time.
2017-09-23 8:32 am
Trump won't run again.
2017-09-23 8:51 am
Darned skippy.
2017-09-23 8:45 am
2017-09-23 8:44 am
Yes, Proudly!

And Pence fter that!
2017-09-23 8:39 am
Yes , democrats are lame
2017-09-23 8:39 am
Not if there is some one better, If not then yes.
I would not have voted for him in the first place, if there was some one better.
參考: conservative
2017-09-23 8:30 am
Yes. Duh.
2017-09-23 8:46 am
No way. He’s done enough damage and it haven’t even been 8 months
2017-09-23 8:32 am
I didn't the first time
2017-09-29 3:34 am
2017-09-23 10:24 am
2017-09-23 9:15 am
If that imbecile doesn't start WW3 by then it will be a miracle. But there will be no election since the world will be in flames.

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