Do you like Latin music?

2017-09-22 1:30 pm

回答 (6)

2017-09-22 1:41 pm
2017-09-22 1:36 pm

I do not find Latino music to be interesting, except as random background music for a ridiculous situation, unless it may involve a solo singer with a guitar or a piano.
參考: However, I prefer music in the Latin language:
2017-09-22 1:33 pm

I have a ton of CDs from Mexico and five from Spain.

I hope I'm a cultured American.

I have some from Brazil and just ordered one from Estonia.

I have several from Russia and four from Hungary.

I think my American collection is minimal, although I'm listening to Coheed right now.

Love Canada's music, too.
2017-09-22 1:32 pm
Latin Pop, (Really just Gloria Estefan) and some of Latin Jazz. like Jerry Rivera, I also like this group called Malo
2017-09-22 1:32 pm
get out of my country and off this american site you..
2017-09-22 1:31 pm
No it's annoying and all of the songs have the same beat

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