Is it me or I?

2017-09-19 11:45 pm
It's important for Lucy and I to be honest
It's important for Lucy and me to be honest

回答 (23)

2017-09-22 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Get rid of Lucy in the sentence; that's how you figure this out. It depends on I to be honest. Does that sound right? No, you'd say it depends on me to be honest.
2017-09-19 11:52 pm
It's 'Lucy and me'. If you're not sure which pronoun to use, split the sentence into two sentences, like this:
1. It's important for Lucy to be honest.
2. It's important for me to be honest.
So, you can (I hope) see that the full sentence should read: 'It's important for Lucy and me to be honest.' 'Lucy and I' just wouldn't look right, would it?
2017-09-20 12:18 am
You're confused because the verb "to be" normally uses "I" instead of "me." In this case, however, you're dealing with a prepositional phrase, so use the object "me."

Try eliminating "Lucy" from the sentence and listen to how it sounds.

"It's important for I to be honest." Uck.
"It's important for me to be honest."
2017-09-20 12:32 am
Lucy and me. You wouldn't be able to say "It's important for I to be honest", so the use of "I" is clearly incorrect.
2017-09-20 1:17 am
I am always astounded at the people on here who answer questions when they have no idea what they're talking about! Bookbinder and DWRead are right- it's "me"- object of the preposition.
2017-09-22 2:57 pm
for me
It's important for Lucy and me to be honest.
2017-09-26 10:40 am
It's important for Lucky and I, to be honest, is the correct answers.
2017-09-23 8:52 am
ME! It's the object of the preposition "for."
2017-09-22 10:41 am
Lucy and me.
2017-09-20 4:25 am
(All the eyes are wrong, all the mees are right. Objective case.)

--- Who's there?
Objective case.
--- Objective case who?
WRONG! Objective case whom!
2017-09-20 3:03 am
it is I
2017-09-19 11:47 pm
Lucy and I. I believe at least.
參考: College student... have to write a lot of papers...
2017-09-26 7:57 am
2017-09-26 4:11 am
I is correct, Lucy and I not Lucy and me
2017-09-24 3:29 am
"I" though most people use "Me".
2017-09-22 11:43 am
Depends on the context
2017-09-22 6:30 pm
Both of them are OK in this sentence.
2017-09-22 1:10 pm
The formal one to use is "It's important for Lucy and I to be honest"

I think you're confused because people usually say it as "It's important for me and Lucy to be honest"

Both are correct actually.. Though I think if you're like just talking to someone, you should use the second one. The first one is for when you are writing an essay and whatnot.
2017-09-21 1:03 pm
2017-09-22 11:40 am
It is "I" :)
2017-09-20 5:49 pm
2017-09-20 12:34 am
2017-09-20 12:09 am
It's important for Lucy and I to be honest

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