How would Kathleen and Max rescue their children in time?

2017-09-17 6:31 am
Max and Kathleen bring their four children to a dangerous abandoned, derelict and dilapated pier, ignoring the warning sign for their summer vacation in bathing suits. While straying off, the children get into danger and the two try to rescue them in time.

Dillion, age 16: He takes 10 minutes to reach him and 8 minutes to bring him out of the collapsed floorboards.
Cornelia, age 14: She takes 8 minutes to reach her, 5 minutes to remove the guardrail and 6 minutes to untangle her from the wire of the guardrail.
Lincoln, age 12: He takes 3 minutes to reach him and 11 minutes to get him over a wide gap off the column.
Becca, age 10: She takes 4 minutes to free her foot, then 7 minutes to reach her and 11 minutes to jump over the large gaps in the floorboards.

Max and Kathleen have also other problems.
A powerful storm will wreck and destroy the pier, killing the family if they do not make it out within 35 minutes.
Max and Kathleen will take 8 minutes more to arrive to each of the children due to the dangerous hazards of sharp objects and breaking flooboards on their bare feet,
The kids will be hypothermic within 15 minutes due to the rain and cause them to be more precarious to be rescued.

回答 (2)

2017-09-17 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
By the time they have worked out HOW, the kids will be goners.
2017-09-17 6:32 am

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