What kind of jobs can you get with a 2 year degree in computer information technology?

2017-09-16 9:16 am

回答 (5)

2017-09-17 8:56 pm
Low level IT job installing computer programs at a big company.
2017-09-17 3:32 pm
The assistant to a person with a 4 year degree and for 55% the salary.
2017-09-16 1:00 pm
Go to your school's placement office & see if any local companies are or have been looking for grads with such a degree. Check out websites for Staples "tech wreck guys" or Geek Squad, Nerds to Go, and the like to see what they are looking for, requirements to apply for what types of jobs there.
2017-09-16 9:21 am
1st level help desk, installing software
2017-09-22 3:51 am
Entry level IT help desk.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:52:06
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