Why does he act this way towards me?

2017-09-15 9:28 pm
There is a guy at my college who for the past three semesters now, every single time we cross paths in the hallway or student center, the moment he sees me he looks away really fast. And the thing is I get a sort of hateful/resentful vibe from it too... and I don't even know him. I have never so much as spoken a word to him, and have never done anything to him (that I know of) besides existing. One time last semester I was on my way to a class and he was coming out of one of the rooms as I was passing by, and the instant he saw me he looked like a deer in headlights and went right back into the room. The only thing I can figure is that he's mistaking me for (or I look like/ remind him of) somebody from his past that screwed him over or really pissed him off or something. But I want to know what other people think.
Thanks in advance.

回答 (2)

2017-09-17 10:28 pm
Who knows? Could be that, or could also be that he is attracted to you and too shy to approach you, and that makes him mad. Or ten other things.
2017-09-15 9:36 pm
He likes you but is too shy/insecure to approach you face to face.Possibly high anxiety attacks.Some guys are like this.

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