In bookkeeping T accounts I've come across assets on a different side a T account?

2017-09-15 4:57 am
In bookkeeping T accounts I've come across assets which I think are the wrong side, in other words a debit or liability which I think is the wrong side? This probably doesn't explain much but it makes the double entry system something which I don't understand. Could you fully explain the system please?

回答 (4)

2017-09-15 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The extended accounting equation is.
Assets + Expenses + Drawings = Liabilities + Capital + Revenue

Debit means on the left hand side of the equation, credit means on the right side of the equation
For example, equipment is an asset so it is normally a debit.
2017-09-15 9:09 am
Read your text book again, and again, and again. Then do every problem in every chapter. That's how you learn about debits and credits.
2017-09-15 8:48 am
It would be easier for you to google it. You'll get a better explanation that way.
2017-09-15 4:59 am
When working with the double entry system you.. just kidding I don't know

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