Should I even save for retirement if I have horrible health and a life expectancy of 40 maybe 50?

2017-09-15 1:40 am

回答 (9)

2017-09-15 1:44 am
If you expect to be gone at 40 or 50, it seems unnecessary to save for retirement. If you have children , you might want to save for their education.

If your health improves (medical breakthrough or miracle) you can just consider yourself poor but thankfully alive
2017-09-22 5:13 am
So during the height of the AIDS epidemic an insurance investment came out called Viaticals. The premise was simple, you're sick but have life insurance; you sell the future life insurance proceeds to a Viaticals investor who give you money now.

What happened? Well it was a bit of a disaster for both the sick and the investors as HIV treatments came out and let the sick lead full lives. So the sick's family got them but lost out on life insurance coverage, and the investors basically got nearly nothing.

No one knows what the future may bring, so enjoy life but prepare for the unexpected.
2017-09-21 1:15 pm
Yes , u should
2017-09-15 8:38 pm
Of course. It means that you need to retire much earlier.
2017-09-15 2:26 pm
... in your case no ... unless the doctors find a cure, and you live longer.; Start saving some money !!
2017-09-15 4:01 am
What is your actual basis for the life expectancy??? "horrible health..." is that an objective term?
2017-09-15 2:04 am
Yes, you can use the money to buy a home.
2017-09-15 2:00 am
yes, you might beat the odds
2017-09-15 1:46 am
Yes, you can withdraw that money out at any point. So if something does go terribly wrong and you know you only have a couple years left then you will still have money and can stop working. However, you will not see all of it because there will be penalties, but that is better than just working until you do die.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:51:19
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