I think im losing my friend, what can I do?

2017-09-14 9:50 pm
So I worked at a big grocery store- and one of the other girls in my department was a good friend of mine. We would get together outside of work and hang out and we always had so much fun together.Well I left the store for a better job a week or so ago after finally getting fed up with being treated like crap by managment and the the drama between me and my immediate supervisor. For like 2 weeks before I left and now she has been acting kind of funny and uncomfortable. My mom was in the store shopping and she said she loves my mom so she always visits with her but even my mom said she was acting kind of uncomfortablr. I can't think of anything i did wrong but i feel like she doesn't want to be friend anymore and i'' not sure what to do. I tried texting her yesterday to try to get together but she never answered so im at a loss of what to do

回答 (5)

2017-09-15 12:00 am
Call her. Visit her. Go see her.
2017-09-14 10:20 pm
Probably because you left the store so you don't see each other anymore, maybe you left for a reason that she thought was childish or didn't agree with
2017-09-14 9:58 pm
Could be that she feels still being friends with you might reflect on her with your old management. And she feels that its best to stay away because you left and management is probably not happy about it and she doesn't want them to think she is "siding" with you over them.
2017-09-14 9:54 pm
Maybe she's mad that you left, or maybe she's lost interest. If she won't reply, there's nothing you can do. You're better off.
2017-09-14 9:51 pm
Say sorry to her by phone call

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