Does a bedroom/apartment need to have a window to legally be rented?

2017-09-14 3:26 pm
I know this is true in Illinois because of fire safety and needing an emergency second exit, but is it the same in Iowa? I can t imagine it would be legal, but I found a place that s renting out a studio apartment just down the street from my workplace for fairly cheap; the only thing that s keeping me from applying is that the studio has no windows. Is this legal in Iowa? It also doesn t seem to have any sort of way outside other than the one door, so no secondary door or a porch door or anything at all. Just the one.

回答 (6)

2017-09-14 8:18 pm
Normally not having a window in a bathroom would not make a house or apartment illegal. I have seen many bathrooms throughout the United States and in many states where there was no window in the bathroom..

You would need to check with the local city building code from the city planning and permit department to see if it is legal or illegal not to have a window in a bathroom.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-09-14 7:18 pm
That is a matter of local building code.
2017-09-21 1:07 pm
Whether it's illegal or not, don't be bother about it aa that's the landlord's problem, not yours.
2017-09-15 3:42 pm
What sort of a place is it that has no windows? It sounds more like a dark room or a closet than an apartment. It would be illegal.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2017-09-15 2:17 am
Call your local landlord/tenant hotline to ask that. They're in the phone book.
2017-09-14 6:16 pm
The rule about windows has nothing whatever to do with fire. Think about it, a window would not be helpful as a way to escape if you were on 21st floor. The rule is that it cannot be a legal bedroom without a window to provide both light and ventilation.

I would never move into a place that had no windows but people do. It is certainly an illegal rental for the landlord but not for the tenant.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:07:33
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