Stroke or anxiety?

2017-09-14 1:57 pm
Hi am 16 yrs old male and from one month i am feeling body wekness and loss of sensation when touching . I am scred whether it is stroke or panic attack. I also feel like i will fall when walking . And any other symptoms.

回答 (5)

2017-09-14 11:08 pm
We are so glad that you are reaching out for help. It sounds like you have some concerns about some physical problems. We understand how stressful this must be for you. Know that you don't have to struggle alone, there is help out there for you.

It's important that you reach out to someone close to you about your concerns. Please consider reaching out to a trusted adult such as a parent, aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest that you get evaluated by a medical doctor. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Please remember that there are people who care about you who want to help.

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000,
2017-09-14 9:29 pm
Doctor appointment time.
2017-09-14 6:56 pm
It's best to ask a dr
2017-09-14 2:52 pm
Please go to the E.R
2017-09-14 2:01 pm
see a doctor about this asap

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