Do people still chase after wealth and social status today? Do you think the pursuit of status is worthwhile? Explain your opinion...?

2017-09-13 9:19 pm

回答 (9)

2017-09-13 9:26 pm
Of course pursue wealth, otherwise you become a leech of society.

Social status? If you're a soulless hag like Hillary Clinton, you'll make millions from Wall street.
2017-09-13 9:21 pm
The 0bamas and Clintons come to mind.
2017-09-13 11:02 pm
1st I, ask has what they created that gave them wealth and social status helped humanity, then their ambition was good. If damage was done like Obama their ambition was bad.
2017-09-13 9:51 pm
My personal opinion is that people are foolish by nature.

Wealth and status.
Wealth? I am all in to. although I want it for security and not luxury or indulgence.

Status? NO, it serves no practical need, only ego.

My dream is to become RICH ..................and obscure.
參考: conservative.
2017-09-13 9:50 pm
Wealth and Status are the goals of the spiritually immature. Wealth and Status are the carrots waved by conservative governments. Ergo, conservative politics is platform upon which the spiritually immature stand. And being a conservative actually damages your soul! But you try telling them.
2017-09-13 9:35 pm
Social status yes wealth No as they say money will not buy you love but gets you so much of that fake stuff who cares
In my women running days use to carry a copy of my P/L on fri night ''interested and looks good to you y'all come on back Suger Bugger''
2017-09-13 9:28 pm
Of course. Internet scores are a prime example of seeking social status. The dumb c0ntards living in trailers and mining coal still think they can be as rich as Trump---that's why they voted for him.
2017-09-13 9:27 pm
Yes, people still chase after wealth and social status - it will always be that way, but the minimalist lifestyle is picking up to be the new trend.

The pursuit of status is worthwhile if that status is a result of hard work and education and used nobly for the betterment of society in some capacity. Materialism to display status is worthwhile if it brings happiness and joy to self and others but is often only a fleeting / temporary state of mind and often, deceptive.
2017-09-13 9:25 pm
Human nature. We are social mammals and stratification of status is inborn. Some pursue it to a ridiculous and bizarre extent.

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