Can I drive this car? Insurance related question?

2017-09-13 7:33 am
Hi I am 17 years old I just got my license and I was wondering if I would legally be able to drive my friend s dad s car. If I were to crash it how would the insurance process work? My mom has insurance and he does as well so what happens? I am only allowed to drive it if he can be shown it s legal! Thanks

回答 (11)

2017-09-13 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good question and shows you are being responsible. Lots of interesting answers.
See my other posts for more detail.
As Raymond said, insurance is assigned to the vehicle. Drivers Ed does a terrible job as they always say "You need insurance to drive" It is not the best way to state it....Better is to say....If you own a vehicle you must buy insurance for that car. And if you drive a car that is not yours, you need to do your best to check that insurance is in place on that vehicle by asking the owner if a policy is in place, and making sure a valid insurance card is in the glove box, along with the vehicle registration.
In general any casual driver is covered by the policy on that vehicle.
2017-09-13 8:00 pm
USA answer:
Your Mother's insurance has nothing to do with another car. Any time you drive an insured car with the owners permission and have a valid drivers license you will be covered by the insurance that was bought for that car.

Answerers "G" and "Gatsby216" are 100% correct

So many people have no clue about insurance. Insurance 101 should be taught along with drivers education
2017-09-13 7:51 am

You can legally drive any currently insured and registered automobile with the owner's permission to do so. Remember, a car is insured not a person. So as long as the car owner grants you permission you'd be legal. The owner's car insurance always applies to their vehicle. The insurance your mom has on her car is only relevant, well, to her car.
2017-09-13 7:42 am
As long as you do not live with your friend's dad, you would be covered under the dad's policy as a permissive user. If you live with your mom, you have to get listed as an additional insured on her policy. otherwise her insurance would be canceled if she made a claim.
2017-09-13 8:28 am
No. Do not risk it. If you are not listed on the insurance policy, there will a huge hassle if you have an accident.
2017-09-13 8:25 am
I wouldn't let you drive my car. Get your own car and crash it. If he doesn't have collision and comprehensive coverage, insurance won't cover any damages. Someone else would have to hit the car for it to be covered if they have liability insurance.
2017-09-13 8:23 am
It's just stupid to drive someone else's car, especially when you are an inexperienced driver and a minor. There are numerous bliability issues involved.
2017-09-13 7:34 am
It depends on what type of insurance he has purchased. Some only cover just the drivers listed on the insurance while more expensive ones covers all drivers.
2017-09-15 12:28 am
He needs to add you to his insurance.
2017-09-13 7:39 am
Your Moms insurance would have nothing to do with it. He needs to check with his insurance agent to find out if you are covered. Usually, when a person lets a friend drive their car it would be ok. If he is lending you the car for an extended period, say, while yours is being repaired. You may have to be listed as a "named driver" on his insurance policy. I know that insurance policies can be agonizing to read through, so he would have to contact his agent.
2017-09-13 2:29 pm
He needs to add you to his insurance.
No argument then.
It will be expensive.

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