70 kg man on earth. If earth gravity is doubled what is his weight?

2017-09-13 12:13 am

回答 (3)

2017-09-13 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
W1 = m*g
W2 = m*2g
W2/W1 = m*2*g/(m*g) = 2
W2 = 2W1
2017-09-13 12:17 am
When gravity is double, g = 2 × 9.8 m/s² = 19.6 m/s²

Then, the weight = m g = 70 × 19.60 N = 1372 N = 1400 N (to 2 sig. fig.)
2017-09-13 12:15 am
His weight would be: 1373 N
His mass would still be 70 kg

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