Could WWE have gone anywhere with heel Shad Gaspard?

2017-09-12 1:14 pm
Back in 2010 Smackdown was lacking and overall boring. A main thing it lacked was heels as the SES and Jack Swagger may have started out strong they sort of flopped in the end. It was noticeable that Smackdown had been poor in quality. Shad Gaspard could have done amazing as a solid modcard heel. He had a solid presence and would have been a decent contender for the IC or US title. Instead they shafted him and used him rather poorly after turning heel. What are your thoughts?

回答 (4)

2017-09-13 4:29 am
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Maybe. He was charismatic, big, and an OK big man wrestler. Smackdown's had it's fair share of those that didn't go anywhere though. It's impossible to tell though since he never really got a chance as a singles. I was honestly more excited to see what JTG could've done as a singles.
2017-09-12 8:35 pm
Cryme Tyme had more promise and success as a Tag Team. If WWE wasn't serious about pushing them as Singles Wrestlers, they should have kept them as a Tag Team.
2017-09-14 12:35 am
2017-09-12 2:40 pm
Keep him in Cryme Tyme

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