✔ 最佳答案
PROBABLY at this time the previous stuff means little. The Age means little The make and model means little.
FULL OF WATER is what counts.
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of others have the same issue.
NO one here can guess what insurance might pay out for you. DO NOT EXPECT some magic book value.
Good Idea to seek GOOD legal advice. The insurance companies have to pay out BILLIONS they are not eager to give you any more than they absolutely must. Expect a month or two for each step.
They are processing MILLIONS of claims.
You LOAN is YOUR LOAN . You deal with it. As in you keep paying.
TOO BAD NO CAR. The loan person does not care. They want their money back you promised to pay.
Sure start looking for some other car. DO NOT be too picky. Many others also want something. Will take a few months for cars to be shipped in for the customers that want something.
More months for insurance to settle on what they and you agree to.
The two big storms have damged over One Millions cars. They will not be towed,scraped,inspected,written off,insurance pay outs, replacement car over the next few days.
MONTHS before many see something from insurance.
WARNING the bad people will try to sell cars from other places that have hidden water damage.
BEWARE the cheap bargain.