What's the best time of the year to get cartilage piercings?
回答 (6)
By that time all the fresh out of school piercers have had time to learn their trade; and the dangerously incompetent one's have been fired.
There is no best time unless you swim a lot then out of swimming season or away from summer. Cartilage piercings can take 6 months to fully heal as they're not through soft skin and have a habit of not healing as quickly as other piercings. If you don't swim or require them to be removed for a specific sport then it doesn't matter.
Any time. Just know that it'll be sore a while. Mine actually never healed and I had to take it out. (It hurt to hug people because they would bump it haha)
There is no ideal time, but it makes sense to me to get them done at a time when your immune system is strongest so change in season might be a little less ideal. I don't think it makes much difference though.
I feel like there wouldn't be a beat time of year for something like this.
their is no best time for that
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:41:31
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