How can I flatten my tummy?

2017-09-11 5:52 pm
I am thin but have a bit of a tummy. I am a lady over 60.

回答 (6)

2017-09-11 6:41 pm
In your youth, estrogen surges encourage your body to store protective fat in the hips and buttocks to prepare for pregnancy. As estrogen levels begin dropping in your 40s and 50s, lower-body fat pulls up stakes and resettles right where you don't want it: on your stomach.
I highly recommend going to gym, ask for advice they will guide you along with the right exercise.
I am 43 overweight and hired a personal trainer, it was the best thing I did. So much advice about the right foods and exercise. Maybe it's just as simple as toning up your muscles?
You will need a good protein diet, stay away from alcohol, plenty of water and I highly recommended green tea and some ginger.
Good luck!
2017-09-11 5:55 pm
Stop feeding it! lol
2017-09-11 8:16 pm
Belly fat is a common issue in women, you need 30 minutes’ walk daily, plenty of water and healthy diet as well, and I’ll recommend you ‘beyond weight management tea’. It will cut down unwanted belly fat..
2017-09-11 6:57 pm
Do sit ups.
2017-09-11 6:22 pm
Probably try to stay active - like walking daily, or perhaps jogging depending on your current fitness level. Also watching the little things eaten between meals as these tend to be what builds up the little bits of extra mass!

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2017-09-11 6:11 pm
Go in fast for 3 months by taking a little alive in the morning and evening , can also take salad and some water to not feel hungry or thirsty

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