尋求法律意見 (我會唔會有事) 事情發展: 舊公司(學校)報警, 稱我在離職前將一筆將36000的款項以支票形式存入自己戶口. 但該筆款項實為當時我的supervisor給我的. 他表明是合共2年協助學校處理家教會帳目及埋數的bonus. 他叫我開張CHQ 給自己就可以.?

2017-09-11 4:49 pm

本人有以下疑點未知可否幫自己脫罪. 疑點1: 15/16年度 是於9月尾埋數, 但 16/17 是於我走之前一個月埋數. 疑點 2:曾於4月頭收了一封匿名的投訴信, 針對會計部有同事偷懶並大部份時間於護士房聊天不工作. 因我跟護士沒兩句話, 因此, 大部份同事都認為信是我寫的. 影響: 會計部同事被召去問話, 校長對會計部印象. 疑點 3: 曾聽前會計同事說我的supervisor懷恨在心, 一定要找告密兇手.


疑點 4: 公司不見錢正常做法應該是先聯絡懷疑人士看發生什麼事, 而並非立即報警. 疑點 5: 沒有犯案意圖, 沒動用過那筆錢. 疑點 6: 多次聯絡會計主管及校方表明願意歸還款項及希望校方能提供警方檔案no., 以聯絡警方, 但均沒有回覆. 疑點 7: 簽名處. 沒可能冒簽.


他叫的開支票時沒有人看到, 而現在支票是我開的 也是存入了的戶口 是不是所有證供都對我很不利?


沒有任何文件可證明這是一筆bonus. 因為所簽收的文件在supervisor手中. 相信他要做我那文件已經沒了. 而似乎支票的兩位簽署人都不知道情況, 不然他們就不會報警.


如果無得打, 我亦都無甘多錢請律師打. 我會選擇認罪希望最快解決此事. 畢竟自己都有D衰貪心當上左一課. 想問我呢個情況大慨會判咩? 洗唔洗坐監?

回答 (1)

2017-09-12 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
It does not look good at you. The money is in your account. So pretty much most elements for theft are met, except dishonesty.

Based on what you have mentioned, the only ways you can be cleared are:

1. If there is any documentation or witness that can vouch the legitimacy of the payment;

2. (If signed by other) The person, whose signature on the cheque, can endorse that the payment is proper.

Most of the points you mentioned are irrelevant.

Addition: It may be a long shot - How the cheque is presented for signatures may impact the outcome of the case.

Based on what you have mentioned, if you did not sign the cheque, but someone else did, the prosecution may not be able to establish the dishonesty element. In similar cases, the person committing the crime was usually the person signing the cheque. In this case, since the payment has not bee concealed (the signatories have approved the payment, but questioned its purpose), there may be a reasonable doubt.

In that case, you may want to consult a lawyer in this case.

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