What's your favorite season?

2017-09-11 4:12 pm

回答 (167)

2017-09-14 3:21 am
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I hate SUMMER, I'm fascinated by AUTUMN, I tolerate SPRING, I love WINTER.
2017-09-11 11:07 pm
salt and pepper
2017-09-11 6:24 pm
2017-09-12 4:00 am
2017-09-11 5:08 pm
Winter is my favourite. The scenery is beautiful, it's way easier to keep warm in the winter than to cool off in the summer.
2017-09-13 3:32 am
Such a hard question because I like all of them:

WINTER - cosy and with the chance of winter sun.

SPRING - Return of warm weather and sunshine. Everything feels like it's coming to life.

SUMMER - the peak of the year. Energy, sunshine, vibrancy, colour, zest for life.

AUTUMN - colour, sunshine, tranquility, spirituality.

CHRISTMAS - joy, happiness, socialising, love and happiness.
2017-09-12 10:01 am
Hurricane season
2017-09-12 7:03 am
SPRING, reminds me of nature's "rebirth," when flowers start to sprout, grass gets green, seemingly dead tress start growing green leaves and birds are painting the skies with song.
2017-09-12 2:14 am
2017-09-11 10:40 pm
Winter because it's my birthday and Christmas
2017-09-11 9:36 pm
2017-09-11 4:50 pm
My favourite season is the winter, I like snuggling round a fire when it is freezing cold outside.and I like wearing cosy winter clothing.
2017-09-11 4:21 pm
Spring and Fall; not too warm, not too cold
2017-09-11 4:16 pm
summer if its not too hot
2017-09-11 4:15 pm
Spring for the wind mate!
2017-09-15 2:39 am
Fall i love long nights and short days, i love halloween too :P just the vibes. and love being cosy at home when its dark outside at like 4pm just love the atmosphere
2017-09-14 5:46 am
2017-09-13 5:50 pm
winter my favorite season
2017-09-12 8:24 pm
I like Spring.
2017-09-12 5:04 pm
winter, everything goes dark and its an excuse to snuggle up i guess
2017-09-12 2:06 pm
Winter Season
2017-09-12 12:42 pm
I love autumn and everything about it.
2017-09-12 4:53 am
2017-09-11 11:52 pm
2017-09-11 11:49 pm
Only three women ever fell in love with me. Two of them were spring romances, and the last one lasted 33 years, 22 days only to end with the death of my beloved. With each passing season, however, springs become more melancholy to me. (D)ACB: I never stopped loving you. Please email me.
2017-09-11 10:59 pm
2017-09-11 9:44 pm
summer -bring on the heat!
2017-09-11 8:26 pm
Spring when the hills are green and the flowers start to bloom.
2017-09-11 7:12 pm
2017-09-11 6:51 pm
Definetly spring
2017-09-11 6:24 pm
Summer if we ever get one in England that is.
2017-09-11 4:45 pm
Winter. I like the cold days.
2017-09-11 4:42 pm
2017-09-12 3:29 am
Wish I knew
2017-09-11 4:21 pm
4th season of the Simpsons - soooooooo much funny
2017-09-11 4:20 pm
Nothing will ever be the same
2017-09-15 4:04 pm
2017-09-15 1:27 pm
I like neither too cold nor too hot season. I like moderate season.
2017-09-15 4:40 am
Fall because it's not to cold or hot
2017-09-15 3:33 am
Fall because the bugs are all going away, the temperature is nice (not too warm and not too cold) and I don't have any allergies in fall.
2017-09-15 2:35 am
2017-09-15 1:59 am
fall and winter
2017-09-14 9:28 pm
spring is my favorite season and i like the season very much and enjoy the natural scenery
2017-09-14 3:24 pm
2017-09-14 3:12 pm
2017-09-14 1:11 pm
2017-09-14 11:40 am
Fall (Autumn)
2017-09-14 11:34 am
2017-09-14 10:49 am
Spring, it's like a new beginning.
2017-09-14 9:41 am
Fall/ Autumn
2017-09-14 9:39 am
Right now spring humidity
2017-09-14 7:49 am
2017-09-14 7:47 am
2017-09-14 6:43 am
2017-09-14 4:01 am
Fall because it is football season for school
2017-09-14 3:55 am
2017-09-14 3:45 am
2017-09-14 3:01 am
2017-09-14 2:33 am
2017-09-14 2:14 am
2017-09-14 2:01 am
2017-09-13 11:34 pm
2017-09-13 10:52 pm
Autumn and Winter.
2017-09-13 10:51 pm
Summer, hands down.

Winter, sucks. It's cold, and wet, and every time you leave your house your risk of dying is like 100% greater. When they salt the roads that erodes your vehicle, ultimately costing you more money, as well as having to buy new sets of tires every year or every couple years. For me that puts me out like an extra $500. And of course where I'm from it's like the longest stretch of seasons. Lol. Summer is like 3 months long, winter is like 6, fall and spring are like a month and a half a piece.

Fall, sucks. Because it's like a month long then winter is here.

Spring, it's alright. You feel good because you know that the hell you were just living with for like the last 6 months (aka winter) is almost over. So you feel hopeful, but you still can't do anything really because everything is still damp and chilly.
2017-09-13 10:13 pm
Aromat all purpose seasoning. Great stuff.
2017-09-13 9:30 pm
2017-09-13 9:13 pm
2017-09-13 8:31 pm
Season 1 of American horror story
2017-09-13 7:23 pm
When the frost is on the pumpkin
2017-09-13 7:16 pm
Winter is my favorite season. I enjoyed in winter
2017-09-13 7:15 pm
2017-09-13 5:01 pm
Winter cause you can get fat without ppl knowing Ha Ha
2017-09-13 4:44 pm
2017-09-13 4:02 pm
2017-09-13 3:31 pm
2017-09-13 2:54 pm
2017-09-13 2:46 pm
Summer, but Fall is a close second.
2017-09-13 2:45 pm
For all the beautiful colors on the trees and being able to wear a nice long coat and beautiful boots.
2017-09-13 2:41 pm
Tired of winter, now I want summer.
2017-09-13 2:24 pm
Summer - hot weather, sunshine, swimming, the beach
2017-09-13 2:23 pm
2017-09-13 2:02 pm
2017-09-13 1:55 pm
2017-09-13 1:40 pm
2017-09-13 1:40 pm
2017-09-13 1:35 pm
Winter... I live in Florida.
2017-09-13 1:08 pm
Rick and Morty, Spring, Tennis and Salt
2017-09-13 12:42 pm
AUTUMN - colour, sunshine, tranquility, spirituality.
2017-09-13 12:32 pm
2017-09-13 10:46 am
2017-09-13 10:13 am
2017-09-13 9:27 am
Off season in bodybuilding
2017-09-13 8:32 am
Fall, i was born in the summer but i just can't stand the heat!
2017-09-13 8:18 am
Fall & Spring
2017-09-13 7:54 am
I like all season.
2017-09-13 6:33 am
2017-09-13 5:52 am
2017-09-13 5:50 am
Gotta be fall. I like the weather, and my birthday is in fall.
2017-09-13 5:20 am
2017-09-13 4:52 am
2017-09-13 3:54 am
I love Autumn
2017-09-13 3:46 am
Summer for the holidays, Fall for the clothes, not sure.
2017-09-13 3:42 am
2017-09-13 2:52 am
2017-09-13 2:37 am
Spring, that gives off a breath of fresh air feeling. If you know what I mean.
2017-09-13 2:14 am
2017-09-13 1:33 am
2017-09-13 1:31 am
I love the cooler, rainier weather and atmosphere (the beautiful foliage) of Fall but I have Seasonal Affective Disorder so the darker weather can sometimes make it a double edged sword...
2017-09-13 1:26 am
Fall! Not warm nor too cold. The orange/pink colored leaves decorate the streets. Scar movies are on!! It's just perfect!
2017-09-13 1:11 am
None I'm allergic to all of them.
2017-09-13 12:25 am
Football season
2017-09-13 12:11 am
2017-09-13 12:04 am
Halloween !!
2017-09-12 11:37 pm
FALL it's so pretty outside in fall and the temperature is amazing (I hate the heat). The leaves changing colors is my favorite part about fall!
2017-09-12 11:30 pm
2017-09-12 11:05 pm
2017-09-12 10:06 pm
Spring! Its not too cold and its not too hot.
2017-09-12 9:11 pm
summer I love it when it's beautiful weather outside but not when it's so hot
2017-09-12 8:26 pm
Winter of my favorite season
2017-09-12 8:22 pm
2017-09-12 8:00 pm
2017-09-12 7:57 pm
2017-09-12 6:40 pm
2017-09-12 6:20 pm
2017-09-12 6:01 pm
2017-09-12 4:58 pm
2017-09-12 3:19 pm
Summer all the way
2017-09-12 1:25 pm
2017-09-12 1:25 pm
2017-09-12 1:20 pm
Winter 🎄
2017-09-12 1:13 pm
2017-09-12 11:44 am
mating season
2017-09-12 11:27 am
2017-09-12 10:43 am
2017-09-12 10:29 am
autumn, also known as fall.
2017-09-12 10:10 am
2017-09-12 9:25 am
Spring because of the longer days and the warmer weather coming.
2017-09-12 9:15 am
2017-09-12 8:57 am
Spring, fall,summer and winter in that order. I never liked it too cold.
2017-09-12 8:54 am
2017-09-12 8:49 am
Autumn, I love it when it's not too cold and not too hot and the change of the leaves.
2017-09-12 8:49 am
used to be summer (for the beach). Now it's winter (for the wood stove fires)
2017-09-12 8:48 am
For all the beautiful colors on the trees
2017-09-12 8:27 am
2017-09-12 8:17 am
2017-09-12 7:57 am
Early summer. Or My childhood(teen age) was.
2017-09-12 7:56 am
The Spring time
2017-09-12 6:29 am
2017-09-12 6:18 am
2017-09-12 5:52 am
Autumn is my favorite season. The days decrease in length and gets cooler. Summer is the pits.
2017-09-12 5:23 am
Summer is good
2017-09-12 4:43 am
This is a tough one because I like all of them in their own way. But I think I prefer winter because I can work on the computer and not feel bad about missing out on the nice weather. Also, there's Christmas and I like it when it snows (if it ever does).
2017-09-12 1:58 am
2017-09-12 1:16 am
When it's not too hot and not too cold, not too rainy and not dry :) Air humidity, wind, rains, it all matters. So you should've also asked people to tell what georaphic / climate zone they live in :)
2017-09-11 10:33 pm
2017-09-11 10:32 pm
2017-09-11 10:16 pm
Winter and Autumn
2017-09-11 10:08 pm
2017-09-11 9:59 pm
My favorite season is Summer. I love the hot weather and spending days at the beach! :)
2017-09-11 9:20 pm
2017-09-11 7:55 pm
2017-09-11 6:04 pm
2017-09-12 1:33 pm
2017-09-12 4:56 am
2017-09-12 4:28 am
Of what TV show?
2017-09-11 7:58 pm
Salt, but pepper is a close second.
2017-09-11 4:14 pm
Usually season 1.

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