Guys, can you really tell when a girl is interested in you?

2017-09-10 2:40 pm
Do you catch all the hints?

回答 (3)

2017-09-14 3:44 pm
Yes I do but I can't just react ) I want too) it's a timing thing
2017-09-10 5:49 pm
Unless they are good at decoding body language (which most guys are not, few are) we don't tend to get hints well, best thing is to come out and tell the guy that you are interested in him, notes, cards also work, provided you are shy, have a friend tell them.
2017-09-10 2:57 pm
I don't live by hints I live by food.
feed me food they I will think you must like somebody.
what is a hint, look at me I"m dancing for you,
look at me again, I'm doing flips for you,
look look I'm walking with this other guy for you.
look at me I'm kissing this other guy so you can look at me.
look at me now I'm walking by you.
look I glanced at you and I glanced at everyone else to.
no I don't see it do you?!!

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