I spent a total of 4 hours of my time today walking around campus, trying to find my classes, and asking people for help?

2017-09-09 7:18 am
Only to have them direct me to places that weren't the right area. I spent 2 hours in a building just asking everyone and everytime someone told me they would tell me they were new like me, or they would tell me the wrong places to go? I cried after because of how much time it took. And I felt like i wasn't at the right campus.

回答 (3)

2017-09-09 9:07 am
You found out THAT approach doesn't work. So go to the student Union or the admissions office and get a campus map. That can help out a lot. See your admissions counselor and ask to have them show you on the map where each class is (if they have the time because you actually can figure that out on your own). Your admissions packet had a lot of information in it. Try taking a look. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Thousands of students have been here before you and there are processes in place.
2017-09-09 7:58 am
4 hours? Is the school as big as a castle? I suppose you just need to breathe in and breathe out. We'll have frustrating days sometimes. Dust it off and move on.
2017-09-09 7:21 am
That honestly sucks as all hell but it's only your first day or week I presume, and it's okay to do it. Don't worry, you'll remember eventually, see if you can find a map somewhere!

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