do i have depression?

2017-09-09 5:39 am
this summer i felt really awful and my symptoms correlated with that of symptoms of depression, but i was like this for a reason (i fell out with my friend) and seeing reminders of that would kinda trigger it. does this mean im not depressed since i had a reason and it wasnt random?? i also did an online test that said i was severely depressed

回答 (5)

2017-09-09 7:34 am
It means you have situation-specific depression. Since it's a big issue for you and it's severe, you'd be smart to see a see a therapist for their help with it. We all get stuck in our lives at times and it's okay to ask for help with it.
2017-09-09 6:42 am
There are many theories that attempt to explain the onset of depression and the definition of a particularly sensitive or highly vulnerable person, ranging from environmental and social factors and conditions that largely explain depression as the expected response in sad situations or negative conditions and the biological factors that have been linked to the functions of the brain and the importance of certain chemicals found in it and is undoubtedly behind the cases of acute clinical depression which is dangerous for the patient's life, not only because of suicidal tendencies, but also the possibility of complications resulting from physical deterioration due to non-consumption and consumption.
2017-09-09 6:01 am
There are different kinds of depression. One is situational (which seems to be the type happening), another is clinical (chemical imbalances) and so on. Therapy is definitely a good option and if the symptoms are interfering with your life, then I would suggest seeing your doctor.
2017-09-09 5:43 am
My close family member was diagnosed with depression even though he did not even think it was depression. He found out by getting a test done at the doctors office. If anything, you should go too because depression can be serious and its better to check properly if you are to avoid being trapped in depression for a long while. I am not a phycology student so i cannot give much advice other than you going to a doctor asap and telling a family member or a trusted adult.
2017-09-09 5:40 am
Thee only way you can be certain of depression is to get it diagnosed by a professional

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