Is it good to eat steak that is 1 month past the expiration date?

2017-09-09 5:32 am
The steak has been in the freezer since I bought it and has now been thawed for the first time.

回答 (14)

2017-09-09 5:40 am
If it was in the freezer, it is PLENTY fine. Meats can be frozen and kept in good condition for years if done properly.

"Red meat and pork can remain in the refrigerator up to 5 days and can be frozen for 4-12 months."

Steaks expiration dates are often set for 1 - 2 weeks after preparation.
2017-09-09 7:09 am
it should be fine as it was frozen
2017-09-15 9:30 pm
Frozen meat remains good for YEARS - we cleared out my grans freezer in 2004 and she had meat in there dating 1997, it was 2009 before we cooked it and we are all still alive.
2017-09-11 2:18 am
Frozen beef is OK a year after best before date, Three years for industrial use that is for making wieners or bologna. I've used older in production.
2017-09-10 1:19 pm
As long as it was 'good' when you put it in the freezer it should be fine. Open the package after thawing and smell it. If it smells 'off' then I suggest not eating it.
2017-09-10 11:19 am
2017-09-10 5:30 am
just throw out now
2017-09-09 11:22 am
Of course. That is the whole point of freezing food, to extend the life of it.
2017-09-09 11:22 am
I would only eat a little bit... last time I ate meat past two weeks expiration date I had gas all night.. lol it sucked
2017-09-09 10:06 am
If it's frozen expiration date doesn't matter
2017-09-09 9:15 am
so what makes you think thats an expiration date??
What makes you think your steak will spoil and continue aging when frozen?
If that were true, there would be no point to freezing food, would there?
Yes its okay to eat the steak. ANY and all dates on foods are null and void because you froze it.
2017-09-09 9:03 am
The "best by" date is for meat that has been refrigerated, not frozen. Eat it.
2017-09-09 6:06 am
It is NOT an expiration date it is a Sell by date. Possibly a use by or freeze by date.
If it has been frozen since you got it then it is fine. If you left it in your car for a day, or left it in the refrigerator for a week before freezing it then I would toss it but if you got it home and put it in the freezer it will be just fine. (Unless you decide to cook it well done..well done steak is a waste of money)
2017-09-09 5:41 am
Yes it's fine to eat it because it was frozen. Cook it thoroughly

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