Why are people so rude to furries?

2017-09-09 3:14 am

回答 (3)

2017-09-09 3:31 am
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Because people who bully Furries are idiots. Furries happen to be the nicest people ever! I love Furries! The costumes they make are cool and they are very outgoing people who enjoy life. I have hugged a Furry before. Their costumes are very soft. I like the husky costumes the most.

Mostly though, people bully Furries because they don't understand them. But still you shouldn't bully someone because you don't understand them. That's immature.

Go Furries!! :)
2017-09-09 3:18 am
To those people, furries are either weird, or "disgusting perverts who sexualise animals". It is usually the former that makes people rude to furries, because they do not like weird things.
參考: Pop culture, American social attitudes. Similar attitudes are also shown to some other nerds as well, such as goths, though some of them refuse to sexualise animals. If the US really needs to get rid of them, what lifestyle should their members be forced to follow?
2017-09-09 3:27 am
Well... It is kind of weird. However fetishes are supposed to be kind of weird.

I suppose that is quite common in "America". I know there's some of it in Europe but I'm sure it all started in the US.

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