what do you think of todays rap music?

2017-09-09 1:28 am

回答 (15)

2017-09-09 3:52 am
God it's awful..
2017-09-09 1:32 am
Sucks a** because I grew up in an area where rap is totally different. I mean, people don't care for lyrics no more just beats and rhythms which in a sense.. have always been
2017-09-09 1:49 am
Rap wasn't isn't will never be MUSIC
2017-09-09 10:28 pm
Not my style. I prefer rock. My favorite bands include Kiss, Grateful Dead, and The Beatles.
2017-09-10 4:45 am
I don't like it personally all they do is talk about money,drugs and sex.Dont get me wrong its catchy but its a bad influence on the younger audience especially when you have kids around hearing them talk about it and not know what the hell their saying.I prefer rock,alternative music and stuff.I like when people talk about how they feel and real world problems.Mainstream music is overrated tbh.
2017-09-09 2:45 am
2017-09-09 1:36 am
Rap and music is an oxymoron for the most part. Usually the "star" couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.
2017-09-09 3:42 am
GOAT asf
2017-09-10 11:29 pm
I prefer not to.
2017-09-09 11:17 am
Depends on the artist tbh. Most of today's music makes me either want to dance or go rob and shoot someone
2017-09-09 8:24 am
Complete garbage. Real hip hop was from the 80s to early 2000s todays rap music is cancer.
2017-09-09 7:15 am
It's NOT "music." It's just noise to support the idiotic ravings of the "performer." It's a blight upon mankind.
2017-09-09 4:04 am
2017-09-09 3:45 am
I like some of it.
2017-09-09 1:29 am
Good beat

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