I got 3 points on my licence last year and I £100 pound fine and then today I got a letter saying I went 37 on a 30 road ?

2017-09-09 1:10 am
So will I get the speeding course this time or will I get another 3 points and a £100 ? If I get 3 more points then I'll lose my licence so I'm really stressed about this.

回答 (9)

2017-09-09 2:42 am
Policies vary across the UK, but generally the Speed Awareness Course (SAC) is only offered as an alternative to a speeding conviction under certain circumstances.

The degree to which you were speeding and the length of time since you were last caught speeding are major deciders. But nowhere in the UK offers them if your last speeding offence was within the last three years, so you're definitely looking at another fine (which may well be higher this time, since the last one had no deterrent effect) and you'll be getting more points on your licence.

If you're presently at or above nine points then another three will take you to at least twelve and that will usually be a driving ban.

The time to stress and worry about it was when you got to six points. Now it's a waste of worry as you know what's coming and at least you can now prepare for it. As your insurance rates will fly through the roof you should plan to be without a car for a few years longer than your expected driving ban.
2017-09-09 2:33 am
Plain and simple facts. Not getting at you just stating how things are.
Speed carmra operators usually operate on a 10% plus 2 mph tolerance which in a 30 zone is 35mph. North of that and it generates a NIP
Speed awareness courses are at the discretion of the camera authority and are usually offered to Ist time offenders just over the limit.
The options they have to offer are
1) A speed awareness course.
2) a fixed penalty (£100 and 3 points)
3) An appointment before a magistrate
In your case options 2 or 3 are most likely. If you are offered option 2 take it, even if it means you have your licence revoked, as an appearance before a magistrate will result in a larger fine and possibly more points.
Should you be offered option 1 then take it before they can change their minds.
There's no point in getting stressed about this because what's happened has happened and no amount of regret will change it.
Should your licence be revoked then you can apply immediately for a provisional licence and start the whole process from the beginning with your theory test. Inconvenient? of course it is, that's the whole point of the exercise.
2017-09-09 2:13 am
So, STOP speeding! Stay within the posted speed limits and you won't have to worry about it.
2017-09-09 1:33 am
Unlikely to get a speed awareness course
It is normally only offered on yiur first offence.
The first 3 points was a wake up call. You decided to stay asleep.
Granny in her scooter should have been driving faster. You needed to drive very carefully.
Not only will your license be revoked your insurance will go up dramatically.
2017-09-09 1:29 am
You'll get 3 more points, so I suggest that from now on you adhere to the speed limit.
2017-09-09 1:15 am
A driver awareness course is granted solely at the discretion of the court.

However, as you were exceeding the speed limit by 23% and you are within the 2 year "new driver" period, it's unlikely that you'll be offered the course. The change in the law was brought in, specifically for drivers like yourself.

Getting really stressed now is all a bit late, isn't it...??
2017-09-09 8:27 pm
You will get whatever you get, if you get it, after you get it.
Trying to look into the future is best left to psychics.

Here's another "what if" question for you to ponder........
*IF* my Aunt had testicles, would she be my Uncle?
2017-09-09 3:11 am
so your a new driver ...you wont be getting a speed awareness course ...yes the police do operate a 10% +1 ..for speeding ..+2 you might get the course ..34 ok ..ish ...35 possible the course ...above it your nicked ...but must be over by 20+ to appear in court ...so you will lose your licence ...and need a retest ....your insurance cost will be through the roof ...for the next five years
2017-09-09 7:49 am
If you can't drive any better than that, it would probably be a good thing if you did loose your license. You may want to voluntarily surrender it so you don't have to pay any more fines.

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