How do I tell my family that I am atheist?

2017-09-08 9:23 am
I know that this might make some of you Christians upset, but understand that I respect whatever you believe. This isn t meant to make you an atheist, this is just my views. Well, here goes. I recently became an atheist, but my family is full on catholic. I decided to be atheist because, I thought that if god loves me, and is all powerful, if I am stumbling in my faith, and ask god for a sign right in that second, he d respond. Well, nothing happened. I have been pretending to be Christian in front of my family, but am tired of living a double life. At the same time, last time I challenged Christianity, I did it openly, and got yelled at by my family. Now, I don t know what to do. Any advice?

回答 (10)

2017-09-08 9:38 am
That depends on how long you expect to be living at home. If it is going to be a few years, I would be quiet about being an atheist for the time being if you want a harmonious home to live in. You could try a subtle approach. get a copy of Sam Harris's book "Letter to a Christian Nation" and read it. Then leave it lying around where others can see it. That should start a discussion that might remain civilised if you come across as just questioning. If you want some interesting insights into religion, read some of Bishop John Shelby Spong's stuff. He's not an atheist but he has annoyed the religious right time after time and is worth reading. Christopher Hitchens's "God is not Great" and Richard Dawkins's "The God Delusion" are also worth reading but the last could provoke a violent reaction in conservative Christians who haven't read it so start with Sam Harris.

When you are confident with your ideas about religion you can try some of them out on the family but take it easy. When you leave home you can do as you like but you have to stay within accepted limits while you live at home.
2017-09-08 9:27 am
"How do I tell my family that I am atheist?"

That depends: How old are you?
2017-09-08 11:14 pm
That depends. If you are still dependent on your family I wouldn't tell them especially considering they are Catholic. I haven't told my family I'm atheist because they are evangelical Protestants, thus most of my family members are stupid. A lot of families will disown atheist family so I'd be careful, of course you know your family best, you'll have to decide if it's worth the risk.
2017-09-08 2:00 pm
They fear the thoughts of others if their personal beliefs are not strong.
2017-09-08 10:10 am
There is no good reason to tell them or anybody else .
2017-09-08 9:32 am
Have you read the Torah?
2017-09-08 9:26 am
Sh*t! Not another one.
2017-09-08 9:37 am
You know something..we have similar questions stories on here from atheist with great imaginations,
mostly made up..just to get a response from fellow atheist....pull the other leg''s got bells on
2017-09-08 9:30 am
Hold a black mass in the garage.
2017-09-08 9:27 am
"How do I tell my family that I am atheist?"

You just say this: "I threw out the magic god fairy fantasy."

If that makes your moronic relatives cry that's their problem.

Always be honest.

"I know that this might make some of you Christians upset, but understand that I respect whatever you believe."

That's not a good idea. Stupidity should never be respected.

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