Why can t I sleep even though I m exhausted.?

2017-09-07 11:19 am
So school started the 5th so I haven t been able to sleep till noon unfortunately so the problem is I don t get enough Sleep. Every day I have dance for 1+ hrs (soon to increase) I also run everyday and usually do strength stuff as well along side a few hrs of homework and running off 3 hrs of sleep you would think I would pass right out but nope. I lay in bed till like 3-4 am and my body aches and I just wanna sleep but I just can t. So basically whenever I m in my room I just cry for no reason (I think it s because I m tired but I m not sure) so anyways I was looking for an explaintion as to why this happens and if there s anything I can do.

回答 (3)

2017-09-07 11:43 am
The reason you probably can't sleep is because you're thinking about it too much. To sleep you have to shut down your mind.
2017-09-07 11:21 am
Diet. Leafgy greens are energy packed. Greasy foods make you tired. Google "energy foods". Only eat meat twice a day max. Almost forgot. Dehidration begets exhaustion.
2017-09-07 12:39 pm
who told you , that you were super woman ? you are wired/pumped on adrenaline and you'll burn out soon. you wanna die ? soon you'll be close and you may achieve it, if you don't take vitamins

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