why has indie rock declined?

2017-09-07 10:58 am
imagine dragons is an insult to real indie rock and imo indie rock died in the early 2000's

回答 (4)

2017-09-08 2:24 am
imagine dragons isn't indie rock. they record for universal music group. indie rock is now and always was rock recorded for an independent record label. it is not a genre, it is a label status. the term was briefly co-opted by major labels who tried to convince people it was a genre, but that is bs.
2017-09-07 2:17 pm
lol im sure theres more important issues in the world. dont lose sleep over it.

indie rock bands probably realized theres no more money in it. with piracy and all. then theres the emotional trauma that comes from being away from family.

plus... auto tune is pretty much taking over.
2017-09-07 1:38 pm
Because it was never a thing to begin with, just re-fried College Rock. *Yawn*
2017-09-07 11:42 am
Because there are more bands in other categories that are taking over. Indie rock is just not popular anymore. People have moved on to other stuff. Its still here but not as strongly as it once was. Also I agree with you on Imagine Dragons, they are indie only barely. Mostly because people did not know where to place them when they started. Indie seems to get put on as a descriptor for just about everything. Its lost its meaning.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:52:44
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