what genre has the most probability of making a comeback, Ragtime or Glam metal?

2017-09-07 10:49 am
just answer, don't rip me a new one for choosing a genre as old as ragtime.

回答 (9)

2017-09-07 10:50 am
Glam Metal
2017-09-08 9:45 am
Ragtime last saw a revival after the Sting was made, although that revival was dead outside of piano teachers by the time Ragtime was made.

Hair Metal as a form of pop music mostly appealed to the tail end of the baby boom, which has clearly lost to the front end of the baby boom in the nostalgia wars.

I honestly don't see either making a comeback, although hair metal is now a staple at state fairs and Indian casinos. The 80s simply didn't prove as marketable as the 60s.

I think it is more likely that nostalgia will skip both and go for 90s or for another swing revival, since there is always a swing/rockabilly underground.

Then again, they might decide to remake the Sting once they run out of men in tights plots. If they do that, the Today show will decree ragtime to be in again.
2017-09-07 11:40 pm
Have you heard Diablo Swing Orchestra, a Swedish metal swing band. Interesting to say the least.
2017-09-07 3:36 pm
Ragtime is more fun to listen to.
2017-09-07 1:24 pm
Ragtime. Someone will come along with Electro Ragtime as they did with Swing.
Maybe Parov Stelar?
2017-09-07 11:38 am
Glam metal because its newer (ish) and there are more people who are willing to help bring it back. Ragtime is just old. Not that there is anything wrong with it, glam metal is much more appealing I guess. Ragtime could make a comeback and it would be awesome. Glam has a better chance though.
2017-09-07 10:54 am
Ragtime has already had one comeback.
2017-09-07 10:07 pm
As long as people feel nostalgia for any of those they can make bands today performing such acts... but that's it, not looking for big score music business, just for the good ol' memories..
2017-09-07 10:51 am
Nu Metal Hip Hop in Spanglish

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