Are there any warehouses that DON'T rate you based on speed?

2017-09-06 11:32 pm
I'm tired of dealing with rates. When I worked at Amazon, they said, you had to scan X amount of barcodes per hour. If the conveyor belt stops and you run out of work, a guy with a clip board tells you, "you're not scanning enough barcodes per hour." "Scan faster or we'll fire you." Sure enough, you get fired. EVERY warehouse I've worked at has done this. Is there any warehouse that doesn't rate you based on speed? Or at least one that understands that you can't scan barcodes if there aren't any to scan?

回答 (7)

2017-09-07 1:44 am
You ran out of work that often at Amazon? really? doesn't sound likely. And if it stop that often, EVERYone would get fired. Sounds like you're making excuses.
2017-09-07 3:31 am
That's not how it works. They don't look at one single hour to decide to fire you. I've worked at a distribution center for a major department store. All rates were based on a rolling 6 week average. That's how they can tell who's working and who is slacking off.
2017-09-07 2:11 am
No, because that is how you are measured.
All jobs have a way to measure your success, and in a warehouse, how fast you work is how they measure you.
2017-09-09 11:42 pm
not likely
2017-09-07 12:34 am
That sounds like a pretty hazardous situation because if that person is a type of person who gets into a fight often.
2017-09-07 12:10 am
If you don't want a job that measures you on how fast you can move, then you need to find a company that deals with lower volume, higher margin products. An example of this would be a heating and air supply company. A warehouse may distribute dozens air conditioners per day, instead of thousands per minute.

Part of Amazon's business model is getting stuff out the door as fast as they can. Other companies may not necessarily operate that way.
2017-09-06 11:33 pm
The only way out of that situation at Amazon is to move to another department like shipping and receiving, etc.

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