what does my sister mean by this? was she trying to tell me something?

2017-09-06 11:04 am
I told her about a spider in my room, and i was happy the spider was there, she told me "you know, most people kill spiders"

Does not killing spiders somehow effect your mental health?

回答 (5)

2017-09-06 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, your sis is misinformed, perhaps a better half of people don't kill spiders, and a very good percentage even welcome spiders.
Maybe trying to say you should kill the spider.
Sad, spiders are not the bad guys, just badly misunderstood and have a very undeserved bad reputation.
I welcome spiders in my place, one of my favorite house spiders I saved from drowning in a rain storm, she lived behind my water cooler another 5 years and 4 of her offspring lived in other parts of the house:
If having spiders around effects your mental state, I am as loony as they come.
A small funnel weaver lived right here on my desk lamp all summer, got to watch him grow from a tiny little thing.
A messy web, but look at all the flies and gnats he caught:
參考: Been around spiders 50 years.
2017-09-06 11:05 am
I think she meant that most people kill spiders, so it's unusual you were happy about having one in your room. I personally love spiders.
2017-09-08 10:48 am
O passado não é nada mais nada menos que uma história que vivemos repetindo a nós mesmos. Muitas vezes estamos presos a ele e ficamos estagnamos no tempo. Se há algum problema no seu passado que ainda te prende a coisas ruins, não tenha medo, procure um terapeuta ou alguém de confiança para se abrir e endireitar sua vida.

Na hora de escolher suas amizades, seja seletivo (a): fique somente com aquelas que veem o melhor de você, que extraem o melhor de você, que fazem você se sentir bem.

Permita-se ser mais feliz do que você se sente confortável: muitas vezes tentamos sabotar nossa própria felicidade por achar que “é demais” para nós. Mas temos que nos permitir viver todas a oportunidades que conseguimos. Se te faz bem, se você quer, se permita viver essa experiência.

Tente algo que lhe assuste: se tem algo que aumenta nossa confiança em nós mesmos, isso se chama superar nossos medos.
2017-09-06 11:07 am
because most people do kill spiders and are scared of them. I mean i wouldnt be happy if one was in my room.
2017-09-06 11:07 am
Yes. The message is - you are crazy.

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