Is life really just about sustaining it?

2017-09-05 1:42 am

回答 (24)

2017-09-06 12:17 am
What? A Hardon?
2017-09-05 8:36 pm
Not even that...... because the urge to sustain life seems more instinctive than intentional, rather given than done.... life is simply about living until one is ready to welcome or trigger death.
2017-09-05 4:41 am
Yes, at all costs to some.
2017-09-05 2:05 am
It's just about sustaining the species. That's far more than just sustaining life. Our species would quickly die out if it lost interesting in living. So humankind needs liberal and fine arts, exploring new worlds, and so on for the species to live on.
2017-09-11 4:04 am
No sustaining it is just surviving and ticking over, but we create our own lives and can do much better than that. If we use our imaginations and focus on great things, we can really go for gold.
2017-09-08 10:25 pm
From a biological perspective, I suppose it can be seen that way, but life really only creates variations of itself without being purposeful. It just so happens that some self-perpetuate, and some don't.

From a behavioral perspective, life is about whatever one wishes to spend it on. Many of the choices that are made seem to be about something other than sustaining life, but perhaps, even seemingly unrelated activities play into the whole scheme, like exploring every accessible path of a maze, or like throwing seeds to the wind trying to find fertile ground. Whether an action is meant to sustain life or not, it may result in sustaining it, or not.
2017-09-06 6:44 am
Life and the world is not about keeping it for future generations as it has been proven that cells that make up everything around us are never destroyed, only recycled to be used in another lifetime. Wake up people.
2017-09-05 9:11 pm
Is the life of a goldfish in a bowl just about swimming around? Yes. Is that the totality of why it is there? No - it's there to please us on our kitchen counter. So, for us, maybe, yes, it is about sustaining it. But why are we here? Perhaps we're in a bowl on someone else's counter, for their entertainment - who knows?
2017-09-05 7:19 pm
No, its not just what we do but the way that we do it, and that's what gets results.
2017-09-05 7:27 am

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