Chemical Equlibrium?

2017-09-04 6:35 pm
For the equilibrium with Fe3+, SCN- and [FeSCN]2+,

Why does the solution decolour when you add water to it. Do I have to talk about the concentration of Fe3+ and SCN- decreasing, causing [FeSCN]2+ to decrease.

Because when you add other chemicals like potassium thiocynate instead of water, one of the reactant ions decreases, causing [FeSCN]2+ to decrease, but here, surely water doesnt react. Thanks

回答 (2)

2017-09-04 8:28 pm
When a small amount of water is added, the solution is not decolorized. The solution is decolorized only when a plenty of water is added. This is due to the solution is diluted to a great number of times.

This is a question of dilution, not equilibrium.
2017-09-04 6:55 pm
Color disappears - what does it tell you about concentration of Fe/SCN complex?

concentration of Fe3+ and SCN increasing and

causing [FeSCN]2+ to decrease.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:52:55
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