Could you stop saying Republicans have full control?

2017-09-04 1:36 pm
They say the most staes are Republican, but that doesn't mean anything for one main reason. The heavily populated areas are largely Democrat.
Also, it isn't their fault that Republicans tend to use logic instead of emotion.
Also, stop calling the right "Nazi's" and "kkk"
The democrats made the kkk and tried to keep slavery. They segregated areas and one democrat president said, "I'll have them n***ers voting democrat for 100 years.
Also, last time I checked, Nazi's were silencing other groups that didn't agree with them. Sound like extreme liberals, or nah?

回答 (7)

2017-09-04 2:50 pm
Well, hold on a second here.

GOP controls 2/3rds of the governorships and state legislatures.
In addition, they have majorities in both houses of congress and the presidency.

What can you do at this point? Vote Democrat???
They have losing strategies even in strongly Democratic states.
New York and California have had Republican governors in recent years, Republicans occasionally control blue states. Maryland's Governor is a Republican!

You can try to deny Republican dominance. It does no good to refute the facts.

2017-09-04 1:38 pm
but honey all 3 branches are controlled by republicans ans still they can't get anything done
2017-09-04 1:55 pm
I'll go with "nah."

There's so much wrong with this it's hard to know where to begin.

First, the whole "Republicans have full control." Yes, they do. They have the majority in the House, Senate and they have the presidency. So nationally, they could pass laws, except they can't pull their far right wing and their moderates together. But yes, they have full control. You can look up how many congressional reps are Republicans vs. Democrats, and you'll see that there are more Republicans.

Republicans also have the majority of state houses, but that's a separate thing.

There's a whole explanation of why the south used to be Democrat and is now Republican. Look it up. Basically, when President Johnson embraced civil rights in the 60s, the Republicans used racism to appeal to people and got those who were racist to vote Republican. That's why your whole "Democrats made the KKK" doesn't mean that democrats still control the KKK. It's all Republicans now.

And no, the liberals aren't silencing anyone.

So, really, you should start getting news from more balanced sources, not just the extreme stuff you're seeing now.
2017-09-04 1:39 pm
who said republicans have full control BSIDES republicans?


if Republitards DID HAVE full control....
Obama care would have been replaced
The media would be saying ONLY GOOD THINGS about trump (ha! f only there were)
KKK and NeoNazis would ocntrol our media LOL

The con idiot senators would be able to hide things from the public easier

2017-09-04 1:37 pm
blacks suck
2017-09-04 2:06 pm
no. suck it up losers.
2017-09-04 1:38 pm

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